Dudley ‘s Aston Children’s Care sign-up to our social care settings software

Dudley ‘s Aston Children’s Care sign-up to our social care settings software for Looked After Children. They have signed up for one children’s home. Aston Children’s Care & Aston Transitional Care are an independent provider of specialist residential services for young people with autistic spectrum conditions, ADHD, moderate to severe learning disabilities, Asperger’s Syndrome, complex…

West Yorkshire-based Dove Adolescent Services sign-up

Pontefract, West Yorkshire-based Dove Adolescent Services are the latest sign-up to our social care settings software system. Dove Adolescent Services provides flexible, individual care packages for children and young people. Their network of small multi-occupancy homes and single occupancy Specialist Resource Units give them the flexibility to support vulnerable children of very different backgrounds and…

Discovered sign-up to ClearCare Solutions

January is proving to be a really busy month as Discovered, of Northampton, have also recently signed up to our social care settings software. Their five-bedded home in Northampton, Abington Park, is opening in February 2018. It provides 52 week-a-year care and accommodation for looked after children, many of whom have complex emotional, social and…

Exeter’s ExeChanges Ltd sign-up

ExeChanges Ltd, based in Exeter, have signed up to ClearCare for their two supported accommodation properties. ExeChanges Ltd is the latest social care settings software sign-up in what’s proving to be a really busy start to 2018 for new organisations coming on-board with us. ClearCare welcomes ExeChanges Ltd and we look forward to working with…

Teen-Works Care Ltd sign-up

Teen-Works Care Ltd are the latest company to sign up to ClearCare’s social care software and will be using it in two homes. Based in Liverpool, and founded in 2009, Teen-Works Care Ltd offer residential care activities at their homes, Lonsdale and Marsh Orleans House. ClearCare welcomes Teen-Works Care Ltd on-board and we look forward…

Broadlands Hall sign-up

Broadlands Hall is the latest social care settings software sign-up in what’s proved to be a really busy few weeks for new organisations coming on-board. Broadlands Hall run a children’s home and a school. The School, located in Haverhill, Suffolk, is a special independent school for boys aged from 11 to 19 with a Specific…