future-options-logoJanuary continues to be a busy month as Future Options, based in Walsall, have signed-up four Children’s Homes to our social care settings software.

Future Options is a Step Down provider that specialises in Semi-independent and housing accommodation provision for Young People aged 16 to 21 years of age, who have been looked after in Short and Long Term placements, for example:

  • Residential placements
  • High end foster placements
  • Asylum seekers/unaccompanied young people
  • Young people with offending history
  • Young people who are on the verge of entering or have left secure accommodation
  • Young people who have been exposed to Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) and/or Child Sexual Abuse (CSA)
  • Young people who have had a history of drug and alcohol misuse
  • Young people who have mild to moderate learning difficulties
  • Young people who display challenging behaviour
  • Young people who have psychological/emotional difficulties
  • Young people who are experiencing mental health difficulties and require ongoing support with their transition to adulthood

They acknowledge that some Young People still need the wrap around support which was offered to them in residential/foster care placement and that some Young People have outgrown their residential/foster care placements and would like more independence with the same level of support. They believe that they can match this balance and support Young People to take some active responsibility for their own care plan/key living skills plan.

We welcome Future Options on-board and look forward to working with them.