Resicare simplifies children’s residential home management by offering immediate access to all care home management information and instant reports on outcomes or KPIs.
It also allows users to create reminders to ensure no tasks relating to home and staff management are forgotten. This early warning system helps care organizations to safeguard against poor practice and improve care quality.
Manage Your Rotas
Our Rotas module gives you an easy way to create, manage and share your rotas with staff members. You can select rota cycles, show job titles and qualifications, copy shift patterns and export the information in a neat CSV format.
The complete rota is then shared with staff via text or email.
Resicare also logs sickness, absence, training and sends timesheets directly to your payroll.
Manage Daily Tasks
Our improved Summary screen gives you an overview of your care home management in real time.
Our easy to digest data cards give you an overview of your care delivery and what tasks are due, overdue, awaiting approval and more.
Manage Young Peoples Feedback
With our new and improved Kids App, young people have access to a new communication tool to encourage them to give feedback on their care journeys. When a young person has posted a comment, asked a question, or provided feedback, this is clearly displayed as a data card in your summary, ensuring nothing is missed!
Our eMAR module gives you the peace of mind that you are managing the administration of both prescription and over-the-counter medication correctly.
Within the module, you can manage the stock of your medicines and create medicine diaries for young people. Medicine diaries contain the medication schedule and you can also select single or dual administration sign off.