headway-house-logoIn an extremely busy month for ClearCare, January 2018 sees yet another organisation sign-up, as Headway House adopt our social care settings software system.

Headway House, based in Southampton, believe that their Children’s Home is a very special home for children and young people, where daily living experiences and activities are meaningful and memorable and are designed to meet the needs of individual children in areas that are personal to them.

Headway House is an Independent Residential Home that meets the needs of young people who have Behavioural, Emotional and Social Difficulties between the ages of 9-18 years. They work with children and young people with Learning Disabilities, Attachment Disorder, Asperger’s Syndrome and other associated autistic spectrum disorders, as well as young people experiencing difficulties with mental health, troubled family relationships or conduct.

The principle aim of Headway House is to offer high quality, targeted care to young people within a homely and caring environment. An environment which meets the specific physical, social, intellectual and emotional needs of the young people placed there. The Home has a strong belief in the importance of boundaries and routines for young people which are provided by a committed staff team.

We look forward to working with Headway House, and welcome them on-board.