We are absolutely thrilled to announce that we are the Gold sponsor of the National SaILS Conference 2023 later this month.
It’s a brand-new annual event set up to bring together key stakeholders from across the country and sector, who work to support vulnerable young people who are looked after, present as homeless, or are at risk. We can’t wait to get networking with other businesses and providers on the 16th March.
‘The SaILS (Supported and Independent Living Services) conference is taking place in the North-west and is very much focused on 16 and 17-year-old care leavers and the new regulations that come into force in April.
It’s being opened by David Thompson; CEO of Inicio Group, Chairman of the Northwest 16+ Providers Forum and Founder of The National SaILS Conference. Attendees will also have opportunities to hear directly from Ofsted’s Project Director: Supported Accommodation – Matthew Brazier, and Ofsted’s Deputy Director: Regulation and Social Care Policy – Lisa Pascoe. Author of Kids in Care: How Can I Help – Jane Keenan will share her experiences of supporting the Independent Fostering Sector when they went through regulation around 20 years ago and what providers, can do to become ‘inspection ready’ for Ofsted. There will also be a number other talks from key experts across the sector as well as a range of question and answer sessions.
Clearcare Managing Director Phil McVay said: “As the sector becomes regulated from Spring 2023, we know that there will be many providers and local authorities who want to learn as much as they can about the regulations and find out how to manage the change – this conference is the perfect opportunity to do that. It gives attendees a chance to hear from some fantastic keynote speakers, network and ask questions – we’re really looking forward to being part of it.
He added: “As the Gold sponsor it also gives us a fantastic opportunity to showcase what Clearcare does and how we can support the sector with the changes in regulation. We’ll be able to demonstrate first-hand why we’re the industry leader in software solutions for the management of children’s homes, foster care and supported accommodation for care leavers. It helps users creates seamless processes, transfers data easily, removes the need for paper records, improves staff productivity, reduces administrative tasks. It’s hugely beneficial for local authorities and providers especially with the new regulations on the horizon.”
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