It goes without saying that times are challenging for us all at the moment. However, we all continue to provide support for Looked After Children and Young People. We were really pleased to get this testimonial recently from the MD of Cornerstone Children’s Homes, Steve Greenall. Many thanks, Steve. Much appreciated.

“During the COVID-19 outbreak, Clearcare has enabled me to work remotely in my capacity as Responsible Individual. I have a ‘live picture’ of what is happening in our homes, this allows me to ensure our levels of care and compliance are still of the highest standards.”

Steve Greenall – Managing Director, Cornerstone Children’s Homes

New Customer Offer

We understand that these are unsettling times and in order to help as much as we can we would like to offer all new customers the opportunity to spread the cost of the initial set-up fee over a period of 12 months. Sign up here