sixteen-plus-logo-2Peterborough’s Sixteen Plus are the latest sign-ups to the ClearCare Solutions children’s home care management software. Sixteen Plus has 70 homes and 100 Young People, 15 in single occupancy and 55 in dual occupancy.

20 young people are on 24/7 support. 80 young people are on support hours totalling 1950 hours per week.

Expected growth for Sixteen Plus in the next 12 months is:

  • 12 new homes
  • 15 Young People
  • 500 additional support hours per week

Sixteen Plus, on the service they provide:

“Our service is different to children’s homes or foster care, and aims to provide essential life skills to best equip them for independent living, for when they reach 18 years of age and receive no support, encouragement to make positive choices in line with their personal allowances, which is the same for each young person nationwide.”

We welcome Sixteen Plus onboard and look forward to working with them.