Enthum foundationEnthum Foundation have signed-up to ClearCare’s social care settings software in what’s been a busy month of June.

They have signed-up for one supported accommodation property – Enthum House, in East Sussex.

From the Enthum Foundation website (http://www.enthumfoundation.org/enthum-house/):

“Enthum House is the Enthum Foundation’s flagship 16+ semi-independent accommodation in East Sussex. Our service includes a unique combination of therapeutic, vocational and legal support.

It is available for up to seven male unaccompanied asylum-seeking children (UASC) aged 16-18 at a time. Staff are available and on duty twenty-four hours a day.

We offer a safe and supportive home where young people are provided with a high standard of support. As part of our life skills programme, ‘Life-Wise’, active involvement at home and in the community is encouraged. This includes budgeting, cooking, shopping, self-care, decision-making, home-management and enjoying happy and healthy relationships.

Our ethos is to strive to create a responsive and wholesome community of staff, management and residents. Each young person’s vulnerabilities, personal story, changing needs and wishes will be heard with respect and trust.

Enthum House works to place the young people into local schools and colleges as soon as possible. Intensive English language tutoring and study support underpin statutory education.

We support academic abilities, vocational talents, interests and sports. As part of cross-cultural community integration and experience we offer creative and technical workshops including a mentoring programme.

Our tailored therapeutic integration programme responds to the complex mental health needs of our young people.

Enthum House advisory panel, experts and support staff work in partnership with placing authority’s social worker and health care professionals.

We have worked with local authorities and commissioning partnerships to develop this service that supports them to meet their corporate parental obligations and to offer first class services for unaccompanied asylum seeking children as Looked After Children (LAC) under section 20 Children Act 1989.”

We welcome Enthum Foundation on-board, and look forward to working with them.