Winter 2019 saw ten new sign-ups to ClearCare Solutions’ social care software system

It was a very busy period for us leading up to Christmas 2019, with ten new sign-ups to ClearCare Solutions’ social care software system. The end of the year saw the following companies join us: Sandcastle Care Ltd, Blackpool Buckinghamshire Council Enhanced Children’s Services, Wimbourne Fairport Care Services, Kent We Care Bespoke, Durham Holywell Children’s…

Cyber Certification for ClearCare

At ClearCare we are proud to announce we are Cyber Essentials Certified. Cyber Essentials is an official UK wide, government-backed certification that helps companies like ourselves guard against the most common cyber threats and reduce your risk by at least 80%. It also allows us to demonstrate our commitment to cyber security to prospective customers.

Blackpool-based Gracewells Care are our latest sign-up

Blackpool-based Gracewells Care are the latest sign-up to ClearCare Solutions’ social care software system. Gracewells Care will be using our system in their Children’s Home, which provides crisis intervention and short break respite services for vulnerable young people. Gracewells Care aims to provide a consistent, caring environment in which looked after young people will feel…

Stepping Stones Children’s Homes Ltd sign-up

Stepping Stones Children’s Homes Ltd have also signed-up to ClearCare Solutions’ social care software. Stepping Stones Children’s Homes provide residential social care for children and young people with emotional and behavioural difficulties and complex needs. They also provide emergency and crisis placements in Greater Manchester – short term and long term accommodation for children and…

Crystal Care Solutions sign-up to ClearCare

Nantwich’s Crystal Care Solutions have signed multiple Children’s Homes and Supported Accommodation up to ClearCare’s social care settings software system. Crystal Care Solutions’ philosophy is to achieve success through Working in Partnership. They work closely with Parents, Carers, Local Authority Social Care Teams, Schools, Specialist Therapeutic Resources and all other relevant professionals in order to…