This is a very exciting time for ClearCare as V5 of our social care settings software system is nearing release.
After two years of development the latest version of ClearCare V5 is in live beta testing. It is currently being tested for any bugs by two companies, prior to release. After which time we will notify our customers that V5 is available and commence the upgrade of the application.
The new benefits of V5 include:
- An up-to-date UI layout and feel
- A new click through dashboard
- A new Widget function to see your data in chart format when you log in
- A new, updated tool to allow reporting via a third-party reporting tool
In addition to that, there will also be some new updates coming shortly, including functionality for:
- Annex A
- Reg 44
- Reg 45
- Weekly monthly social work update reporting
Phil McVay, Managing Director of ClearCare said:
“We are very excited about these latest developments, and the forthcoming upgrades. If you would like to arrange a demo of the system and the new functionality then please get in touch or book a demo online.”