The image reads 'Supported Accommodation Regulation: Care Data Matters"

There’s just over a week left to register your supported accommodation provision with Ofsted before the new government regulations take effect. 

From 28th October, supported accommodation sites will be subject to new mandatory quality standards and a robust Ofsted inspection regime, with all providers needing to be registered.

As the deadline quickly approaches, it is hoped that regulation will address children’s “unacceptably poor” experiences of supported accommodation provision to date.

The upcoming regulations being introduced have been described as relatively light touch compared to children’s homes. While these are regulated at an individual service level, supported accommodation will be assessed at provider level and not individual settings.

Furthermore, unlike children’s homes, registered managers, staff and organisations will not be required to hold any mandatory qualifications. 

The Regulations prescribe four Quality Standards which must be met by supported accommodation providers:

  1. The leadership and management standard 
  2. The protection standard 
  3. The accommodation standard 
  4. The support standard 

Each quality standard describes an overarching, measurable outcome statement that young people must achieve while living in supported accommodation. 


What is Ofsted’s role in Supported Accommodation?

Ofsted now regulates and inspects supported accommodation. As a regulator, Ofsted are responsible for registration, inspection, compliance, and enforcement. 

Inspections will test compliance with the relevant regulations and take into account the Quality Standards shown above. 

Inspections will focus on the experiences of young people in supported accommodation, the effectiveness of help young people receive to achieve positive outcomes, and their progress towards meeting them. 

Care Data is Key to Demonstrating Compliance and Measuring Outcomes

When it comes to demonstrating care outcomes, data is king. 

Managing case records digitally is ideal for the collaborative nature of supported accommodation. With many involved in a young person’s care, case management software can act as a shared single point of truth to view, and analyse, care data in real-time. 

A key part of regulation recognises that each young person has their own individual needs while in supported accommodation, and providers will be required to demonstrate that they have considered this in every case, delivering personalised support for each young person’s objectives. 

Embracing care management software empowers you to easily record your care data at the point of care delivery and, thanks to our young persons app, even showcase their input into their care journeys. 

Perhaps most importantly, the ease of recording data and setting of mandatory fields paves the way for more detailed care records. This helps you to better evidence your care delivery and showcase positive outcomes for young people.


Improve Productivity and Better Demonstrate Compliance

Clearcare has been designed to reduce the administrational burden of collecting care data. 

Managing paper records can be a laborious task as records can often be missing important details, with hours being wasted chasing for complete forms. 

Clearcare utilises digital forms with mandatory fields to ensure that you have all the data you need, when you need it. That means no more chasing up for completed forms – saving teams hours of administration time which can be better spent delivering care. 


Find out more about how Clearcare can empower Supported Accommodation to better manage and utilise their care delivery data, or get in touch to book your demo.