Restoration Care ServicesEssex’s Restoration Care & Services Limited have signed up with ClearCare in what’s proved to be a busy month of January.

Restoration Care and Services are providers of 24hour staffed therapeutic semi-independent living accommodation services for looked after children and young people.

They run one Children’s Home with five fully furnished bedrooms and an emphasis on therapy, health and fitness.

Restoration provide a homely environment for all their looked after young people, so that they feel welcomed and settled. A range of facilities are provided within the Home, such as gym facilities and games, so that the young people keep occupied and stimulated, and channel their energy into something positive.

Building their self-worth gives them a sense of how to value themselves positively, which is a long term investment in their emotional and psychological wellbeing. This also assists them to engage effectively with the Home’s staff to achieve their goals and aspirations in order to live independent lives.

ClearCare welcomes Restoration Care and Services on-board and we look forward to working with them.